General Reading
Environmental Archaeology
This is a relatively new journal, which deals specifically with environmental issues in archaeology. The first edition (1998) concentrates on archaeobotany, and has several relevant articles.
Dennell.R.W, 1976,
'The economic importance of plant resources represented on archaeological sites', JAS 3:229-247 - dated, but broaches some important topics.
Hillman.G.C, 1981,
'Reconstructing crop husbandry practises from charred remains of crops' in Mercer.R.(ed), Farming Practise in British Prehistory, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp123-62 - very useful for clarifying agricultural practises, and their relation to the archaeological record.
Hillman.G.C, 1984,
'Interpretation of archaeological plant remains: the application of ethnographic models from Turkey' in van Zeist.W and Casparie.W.A.(eds), Plants and Ancient Man, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp1-41 - as above
Specialist Reading
Chernoff.M.C and Paley.S.M, 1998,
'Dynamics of cereal production at Tell el Ifshar, Israel during the Middle Bronze Age', JFA 25:397-416
Crawford.P, 1987,
'Food for a Roman Legion: the plant remains from el-Lejjün', BAR Int.S340(ii):691-704 - interesting, more modern comparison, to al Mudaybic.
Geraty.L.T and LaBianca.Ø.S, 1985,
'The local environment and human food-procuring strategies in Jordan: the case of Tell Hesban and its surrounding region' in Hadidi.A, Studies in the Archaeology and Prehistory of Jordan II, Dep't Antiquities, Amman
Koucky.F.L, 1987,
'The Regional Environment' in Parker.S.T., The Roman Frontier in Central Jordan - Interim Report on the Limes Arabicus Project, 1980-1985, BAR Int.S340(i), pp11-40 - gives a good background to Jordan climate and environment.
Van Zeist.W, Wasylikowa.K and Behre.K.E,
The Progress in Old World Palaeoethnobotany, Balkema, Rotterdam, - useful all-round book.
Zeist.W.van and Bakker-Heeres.J.A.H, 1984,
'Archaeobotanical studies in the Levant 2 + 3, Palaéohistoria 26:151-170 + 171-199 - specific diagrams and brief paragraphs about the material found