An Iron II Scythian point from Khirbat al-Mudaybi’
Heather McMurray
Trilobate point side view measured in centimeters
Archaeologists search for the material remains of past cultures. When archaeologists excavate sites, they uncover both military and domestic artifacts. Military artifacts include sling stones and arrows, known as projectile points, often made of iron or bronze. Domestic artifacts include objects for weaving like spindle whorls or loom weights as well as objects that deal with food processing and entertainment. What types of artifacts are found can indicate what purpose a building within a site or the site itself served in antiquity. While excavating the fortress site of Mudaybi’ in the region of ancient Moab, archaeologists uncovered both military and domestic forms of material culture. An example of a military artifact found at Mudaybi’ is an Iron II Scythian point made of bronze.