Integration of Geomorphologic and Archaeological Site Data in GIS
Satellite data, geomorphological data and archaeological site data can be easily combined into a single project for analysis using GIS. This figure was prepared using a GIS to integrate high-resolution satellite image (Landsat-7 ETM+), wadi location data (blue lines) and site locations reported by Miller-Pinkerton and KRP (red and yellow dots). After being combined, the GIS was used to select, and highlight in yellow, sites (i.e., one information layer) that were located within 1 km of a wadi (i.e., another information layer).
Plateau 465 drainage
This photo integrates a high-resolution (15m) ASTER satellite image draped over a DEM, drainage data (black lines) and the location of sites occupied during the Roman and Umayyad Periods as identified in the Miller-Pinkerton survey (black = Roman only, red = Roman and Umayyad). By combining this information in a GIS, site locations can be analyzed as they may have been influenced by environmental factors (e.g., soil, rock and vegetation information generated from the multispectral satellite data), elevation, drainage, and period of occupation.
ASTER satellite image draped over a DEM